During the morning session, the project partners, coordinated by the project manager Tiberio Daddi from Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, presented the work in progress and the future goals. The following issues were at the center of the agenda: the pilot actions in stadiums reactivated after Covid-19, the governance and stakeholder engagement activities in the three participating NFAs, the ongoing environmental awareness raising campaign successfully coordinated by EURACTIV and carried out throughout Europe by project partners, the next activities planned to replicate the project results and the policy uptake at the European level, the dissemination activities and events organised and planned by all partners at the national and local levels throughout Europe (FIGC, SvFF, FrF, ACR+, AMIU, LIPOR).
In the afternoon, the group visited the project’s pilot stadium Paolo Mazza, home of SPAL, welcomed by the stadium manager Pietro Pelucchi and the general director Andrea Gazzoli. The stadium has been very active in the project and has recently launched a new pilot action consisting in the distribution of reusable cups made with eco-sustainable materials for drinks to football fans, in order to eliminate single-use plastics and the connected negative environmental impacts of its production and disposal. We thank once again the Stadium for the great hospitality and support!

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